Appendix D — Assignment D

Data Visualization


  1. You may talk to a friend, discuss the questions and potential directions for solving them. However, you need to write your own solutions and code separately, and not as a group activity.

  2. Do not write your name on the assignment.

  3. Write your code in the Code cells and your answer in the Markdown cells of the Jupyter notebook. Ensure that the solution is written neatly enough to understand and grade.

  4. Use Quarto to print the .ipynb file as HTML. You will need to open the command prompt, navigate to the directory containing the file, and use the command: quarto render filename.ipynb --to html. Submit the HTML file.

  5. The assignment is worth 100 points, and is due on 1st November 2023 at 11:59 pm.

  6. Some questions in this assignment do not have a single correct answer. As data visualization is subject to interpretation, any logically sound answer / explanation is acceptable.

  7. There is a bonus question worth 20 points. However, there is no partial credit for the bonus question. You will get 20 or 0. If everything is correct, you can score 120 out of 100 in the assignment.

Exploring factors associated with profitability of a movie

In this assignment we’ll attempt to find the factors (or variables) that make a movie profitable.

Read the movies data from here, in a Pandas DataFrame named as movies_data. The profit of movie is defined as:

\[profit = Worldwide \ Gross - Production \ Budget\]

D.1 Time trend

Let us analyze if the profitability of a movie is associated with the time of its release.

D.1.1 Month of release


Make an appropriate plot to visualize the mean profit of movies released each month.


  1. Use the Pandas function to_datetime() to convert Release Date to a datetime datatype.

  2. Use the library datetime to extract the month from Release Date.

(6 points)


Based on the plot, which seasons have been the most and least profitable (on an average) for a movie release. Don’t worry about the exact start and end date of seasons. Don’t perform any computations. Just make comments based on the plot. You can use seasons such as early summer, late spring etc.

(2 points)

D.1.2 Month of release with number of movies in each genre


Now that we know the most profitable season for releasing movies, let us visualize if some genres are more popular during certain seasons.

Use the code below to create a new column called genre.

#Combining Major Genre
movies_data['genre'] = movies_data['Major Genre'].apply(lambda x:'Comedy' if x!=None and 'Comedy' in x else 'Horror' if x!=None and 'Thriller' in x else 'Action/Adventure' if x!=None and ('Action' in x or 'Adventure' in x) else 'Musical/Western' if x!=None and ('Musical' in x or 'Western' in x or 'Concert' in x) else x)

Make an appropriate plot to visualize the number of movies released for each genre in each calendar month.

(8 points)


  1. Use barplot() with estimator as len

  2. Use the hue argument


Based on the above plot, which genre is the most popular during the most profitable season of release? And which genre is the most popular during the least profitable season of release?

(2 points)

D.1.3 Month of release with proportion of movies in each genre


Visualize the proportion of movies in each genre for each month of release.

Use the code below to re-arrange your data that will help with creating the visualization

genre_proportion_release_month = pd.crosstab(index=movies_data['release_month'],


  1. Make a 100% stacked barplot with the Pandas plot() function

  2. Use the argument bbox_to_anchor with the Matplotlib function legend() to place the legend outside the plot area.

(8 points)


Which genre is the most popular during the month of May, and which one is the most popular during December?

(2 points)

D.1.4 Year of release with genre


Make an appropriate figure to visualize the average profit of movies of each genre for each year. Consider only the movies released from 1991 to 2010. Also show the 95% confidence interval in the average profit.


  1. Use the library datetime to extract year from Release Date.

  2. Use the Seaborn Facetgrid() object.

  3. A figure can have multiple subplots. Put the figure for each genre in a separate subplot.

(6 points)


Based on the figure above, which genre’s profitability seems to be increasing over the years, and which genre has the least uncertainty in profit for most of the years.

(2 points)

D.2 Associations

D.2.1 Pairplot / heatmap


Make a pairplot and heatmap of all the continuous variables in the data.

(8 points)


Are there any trends that you can see in the pairplot, but not in the heatmap?

(2 points)


Based on the plots in 2(a)(i), which variables are associated with profit?

(2 points)


Among the variables listed in 2(a)(iii), select a subset of variables such that none of them are highly associated with each other. The rest of the variables identified in 2(a)(iii) are redundant with regard to association with profit.

(2 points)

D.2.2 Nested associations


Use the code below to create some new columns.

movies_data['screenplay'] = movies_data.Source.apply(lambda x:'Non-original' if x!='Original Screenplay' else x)
movies_data['rating'] = movies_data['MPAA Rating'].apply(lambda x:'R rated' if x=='R' else 'Not R rated')
movies_data['fiction'] = movies_data['Creative Type'].apply(lambda x:'Contemporary' if x=='Contemporary Fiction' else 'other')

Make an appropriate figure to visualize the association of the number of IMDB votes with profit for each genre (use the variable genre). Which genre has the highest association between profit and IMDB votes?

(8 points)


Make an appropriate figure to visualize the association between the number of IMDB votes and profit, for each combination of the fiction type (use the variable fiction) and the movie rating (use the variable rating).

For which combination of fiction and rating categories do you observe the highest association between IMDB votes and profit?

(8 points)

Hint: Use row and col attributes of the Seaborn Facetgrid() object.

D.2.3 Profit based on movie director


Consider the directors who have directed more than 10 movies (based on the dataset). Make a horizontal barplot that shows the mean profit of the movies of these directors along with the 95% confidence interval. Sort the bars of the barplot such that the director with the highest mean profit is at the top.

If the dataset director_with_more_than_10_movies has only those movies that correspond to directors with more than 10 movies, then the following code will give you the order in which the names of the directors must appear in the barplot:

(8 points)

director_with_more_than_10_movies[['Director','profit']].groupby('Director').mean().sort_values(by = 'profit',
                                            ascending= False).index.to_list()


Based on the above plot, which director has the highest mean profitability, and which one has the highest variation in profitability?

(2 points)

D.3 Distributions

D.3.1 Distribution of profit based on genre (boxplots)


Make boxplots to visualize the distribution of profit based on genre. Based on the plot, which genre has the most profitable movies?

(6 points)


Which genre has the most variation in profit, and which one has the least?

(2 points)

D.3.2 Distribution of profit based on genre (density plots)


Make density plots of profit based on genre. Adjust the limit on the horizonal axis, so that the plots are clearly visible.

(6 points)


What additional insight / trend can you seen in the above plot that you cannot see with the boxplots?

(2 points)

D.4 Insights

From all the visualizations above, describe the insights you get about the factors associated with the profitability of a movie.

Also, elaborate on the extent to which these trends can be generalized. For example, comment on whether these trends be generalized to the current time and all the Hollywood movies? If not, is there any time period or type of movie to which these trends can be applicable?

(4+ 4 points)

Bonus question: Stock Market

This question is worth 20 points. However, there is no partial credit. It will be 20 or 0.

The stock market is made up of exchanges, such as the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq. Stocks are listed on a specific exchange, which brings buyers and sellers together and acts as a market for the shares of those stocks. The exchange tracks the supply and demand — and directly related, the price — of each stock.

A market index tracks the performance of a group of stocks, which either represents the market as a whole or a specific sector of the market, like technology or retail companies. You’re likely to hear most about the S&P 500, the Nasdaq composite and the Dow Jones Industrial Average; they are often used as proxies for the performance of the overall market.

There are two types of investment stratigies: active and passive.

Active investing

An active investment strategy involves using the information acquired by expert stock analysts to actively buy and sell stocks with specific characteristics. The goal is to beat the results of the indices and general stock market with higher returns and/or lower risk.

Passive Investing

Passive investors have a buy-and-hold mentality that focuses on benefitting from the overall increase in market prices over time. One of the major benefits of passive investing is that it minimizes the mistakes investors can make when they react emotionally to every move of the stock market.

The easiest way to implement a passive approach is to buy and hold an index fund that follows one of the major indices like the S&P 500, Dow Jones, or Russell 2000 (small-cap stocks). These funds pool money from multiple investors to buy the individual stocks, bonds, or securities that make up their market index. When the index changes its components, the index funds that follow it also switch up their holdings to match.


In this exercise, we use S&P 500 index as an example to explore the gains/returns for passive invesement.


The data is provided in a csv file, with dates roughly from 2000 to 2022. And we use the column Close as the price on a specific day.

If we buy the index on \(t_1\) and sell it on \(t_2\), the return is defined as \[r_{t_1,t_2} = (P_{t_2}-P_{t_1})/P_{t_1}\].

Sometimes we are interested on the return on holding the index for a specific period \(T\), the return is \[r_{t,T} = (P_{t+T}-P_{t})/P_{t}\] where \(t\) is the date we buy the stock and \(T\) is the holding period. Since the stock is not traded on every day, when calculating \({t+T}\) we simply skip the non-trading dates.


If we take the return as a random variable, we could use standard deviation as its risk. A risk-averse investor expects a stable (low volatility) return.

Sharpe Ratio

People like high return and low risk investment. But on the other hand, in the market high return always associates high risk (e.g. stock) and low risk means low return (e.g. treasury bonds).

The Sharpe ratio compares the excess return of an investment with its risk to make a single measure: \[SR=(R-R_f)/\sigma\] where \(R\) and \(\sigma\) are the expected return and stddev for the investment and \(R_f\) is the risk free rate.

Risk free rate is the rate of return offered by an investment that carries zero risk. In reality there is no truly risk free rate, but we usually take something like three-month U.S. Treasury bill as a proxy as risk free rate. To be simple, in this exercise we just take risk free rate as 0.

Read the data from sp500.csv. The dataset can be found in the Datasets section of the book.

D.5 Return on investment

D.5.1 Impatient investor (daily)

Suppose there is an investor who only holds the index for a single day (buy yesterday sell today).

Based on the data,


Show the histogram graph for all the possible returns.


What is the expected return, risk and sharpe ratio?


Is the return significantly greater than zero (a.k.a positive return) (use a threshold 0.01 for \(p\)-value) ?

HINT: use scipy.stats.ttest_1samp to do one-sided mean test. (We ignore the fact that T-test requires the data are sampled from a population of normal distribution, which might not be true in this exercise)

(6 points)

D.5.2 Patient Investor (yearly)

Suppose there is an investor who will hold the index for a year (suppose there are 250 trading days in a year). Do the same analysis as the above:


Show the histogram graph for all the possible returns.


What is the expected return, risk and sharpe ratio?


Is the return significantly greater than zero (a.k.a positive return) (use a threshold 0.01 for \(p\)-value) ?

(6 points)

D.5.3 From daily to yearly

Explore how the expected return/risk/shape ratio change as we increase our holding period from 1 day to 1 year(250 days).



At least how many days do you need to hold the index in order to make a significant positive return (threshold 0.01)?


How are the returns associated with the risks for different investment strategies?


Make a graph as shown below.

(18 points)